meet the team
Vice presidents

Mike Smith

Brandon Hayden

Bradford Weeks
Lobbyist & Compliance Coordinator

Ethan Werstler
Associate Lobbyist
Thank you to Keith Roselle Photography for these photos.
Remembering our Founder
Lewis “Lew” Rome
1933 – 2015 Lew founded the firm in 1982, bringing years of experience in state and local government. As a state senator who served as both Senate Majority and Minority Leader as well as the Republican nominee for Governor in 1982, Lew spent a lifetime dedicated to public service. He was a proud UConn Alumni and served on the University Of Connecticut Board Of Trustees including a term as chairman. Lew will be remembered by all of those lucky enough to work with him as a model public servant who cared passionately about the people and policies he represented. As a mentor to many, his style was described variously as gentlemanly, old-school, mild-mannered, and diplomatic as well as persuasive, with a command for the facts and a keen debate intellect. He created the firm with the highest ethical standards and hard work and we continue that vision today
Remembering Our Officer
Beatrice Giacco Kowalski
Bea was an officer of The Kowalski Group, LLC. She brought an illustrious record of government and political service to the firm. A former Connecticut Commissioner of the Division of Special Revenue, 1971-1979, Bea brought a unique knowledge and understanding of the workings of State Government Agencies, the state Legislature and the Executive Branch to the firm. Further, she had a long-standing history of political involvement: volunteering, working and developing strong professional relationships with members of both the Republican and Democratic parties. Appointed by former Governor Thomas Meskill, Bea served as both Chairperson and Vice-Chair of the Gaming Commission. Charged with the task of developing and regulating Connecticut’s lottery, jai alai games and dog track, Bea, along with 8 commission members, developed the regulations and initial gaming ventures within the State of Connecticut. She was reappointed to serve a second term. Bea served in numerous volunteer positions within the Republican Party: She was a former President of the Connecticut Federation of Republican Women. She was a Member of the National Board of Republican Women and a Delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1976. In 1980, she coordinated the Connecticut Campaign for former President George Bush. She served as Campaign Coordinator for former Governor Thomas Meskill. Later, she worked as the Campaign Coordinator for former U.S. Senator Lowell Weicker; she was invited to be a member of his Washington team. Additionally, she served as a State Central Committeewoman, a Wallingford RTM member and Vice-Chair of the Wallingford Republican Town Committee. The Connecticut Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc. honored Bea in 1976 for her work as a Commissioner whose achievements enhanced the status of women. A Pequod Business School graduate who attended the University of New Haven, Bea was honored in 1999 as Wallingford's Italian-American of the Year for her many accomplishments and contributions to the community and to the state. She was a cancer survivor who overcame multiple cancers and was an inspiration to other survivors, her friends and family.